Pityrogramma - Pteridaceae

Pityrogramma rupicola Pic.Serm.

Photo: P. Ballings

Photo: P. Ballings

Photo: P. Ballings

Photo: P. Ballings

Photo: P. Ballings






Common name


Rhizome shortly creeping, horizontal, densely set with scales; rhizome scales narrowly linear-lanceolate in outline and more or less curved, base concave-adnate, margin minutely and irregularly wavy, apical cell often terminated by 2-3 overlapping cylindrical cells, 3-4.2 cm x 0.25-0.5mm. Fronds numerous, closely spaced, 6-18 (35) cm, erect or ± scrambling, firmly membranous or subcoriaceous. Stipe coming out from the rhizome at an almost right angle, slender, 4-12 cm long, 0.6-0.9 mm in diameter at the base, filamentous above, almost capillary above, flexuous, glistening, golden-powdery when young, soon glabrous, basal scales similar to the rhizome-scales but a little smaller. Lamina deltate to elongate-deltate in outline, 2.5-6 × 2-5 cm, 3-pinnatifid at the base, apex pinnatifid, with golden powder on the lower surface, glabrous on the upper surface; pinnae deltoid, inequilateral more or less horizontal; pinnules basiscopic larger, 4-7 on both sides, the upper ones close to the lower ones separated by a distance of 7-20 mm, margin flattened, lobes rounded intact; rhachis from the middle to the apex gradually winged, densely set with golden powder; stipules in the lowest pinnae up to 4 mm long, winged, gradually decreasing towards the apex and with a wider wing; veins and venules above flat, below prominent, reaching apex of lobes. Sporangia occupy the whole length of the venules, except the upper part.


Differs from other species by habit of the plant, nature of rhizome, shape and size of rhizome scales, shape, lenght and subdivision of the lamina.



Rock surfaces and crevices.

Distribution worldwide

See African distribution.

Distribution in Africa

Burundi, Dem. Republic of Congo, Rwanda.

Growth form



  • Fisher E. & Lobin W. (2024) Checklist of Lycopodiopsida (clubmosses and quillworts) and Polypodiopsida (ferns) of Rwanda.Willdenowia, 53 Page 164.
  • Pichi Sermolli, R.E.G. (1972) Fragmenta Pteridologiae III.Webbia, 27(2) Pages 425 - 428. (Includes a picture).
  • Roux, J.P. (2009) Synopsis of the Lycopodiophyta and Pteridophyta of Africa, Madagascar and neighbouring islands. Strelitzia 23, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. Page 178.